November 13, 2008 @ 1:43 PM
so many daes nvr post le
lets tok bout MON[10 nov]
so many daes nvr post le
lets tok bout MON[10 nov]
but dunno why
only 6 shown up
meet at bbp starbucks outside
andand me,madeline,shawn and yongming waited there for one hr??
alicia hasnt woke up
so pillow waited for her at her house downstairs
but i worst larh
dunno pillow had changed the timing
so i reach there at bout 7.15[?]
for 45min then they[the threes] come
in the end it rains
so four of us went to vivo first lorh
the guys went arcade then madel and i went shopping around
tried th clothes for one hr or more
but endded up no buying anything
so ex marhh
nt enough $$
TUE[11 nov]
nth happen actually,
jus went sch for the whole dae
lik erm,
8am - 5pm playing guzheng
blister pop tat dae
then playplayplay another blister came out at th same place tat poped
pain sia
but quite fun
WED[12 nov]

met zilin and jingyi at lot1
then went to westmall to meet theresa and sokyee
they two still there eating subway sia
made us waited for so long[?!]
tat make theresa feel so stress
after tat walk aimlessly around westmall
nth to shop de la there..
so went sok's house
then go around ppl's blog then laugh at their pics
so bad rite??
sokyee teach us de!!
raining at tat time
then her father brought us back to our home^^